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Domus Technica

Van Pallandtstraat 63

6814 GN  Arnhem

The Netherlands

Consilium - Every change starts with a need and the idea. If your employees, partners and customers have the need to collaborate better we can help you work out the idea on why, how, where and when to achieve it. The chance is that you would like to have some advice from acompany with Jericho knowledge or experience. Whether is it a business opportunity or an audit issue that drives you, Domus Technica can help you determine a vision of what to achieve, goals to set to get there and objectives to achieve when applying the Jericho principles to your collaboration environment. To help you, Domus Technica has quick scans and assessments to determine your organisation's ambition and readiness.

Genero - With a vision created and goals and objectives set, getting there still needs estimates, blueprints and plans. You want to know that the risks are covered in an acceptable way. The Jericho principles need to be translated to a secure architecture of your safe collaboration environment in a way that makes business sense. Domus Technica can design this environment according to your vision and assure that it will assure that goals are met and objectives achieved during realization.

Molior - Implementing safe colaboration takes ... a lot of collaboration, next to the architecture, design and plan. Several specificd disciplines will have to work together in new ways. We are talking about a revolution here. All this work takes a well-orchestrated project or programme. Domus Technica can fill the roles of programme/projectlead and/or designer/architect. If you need additional expertise, Domus Technica can bring you in contact with our implementation partners, fill alignment positions between these partners or manage their role for you.

Opera - Once a collaborative environment has been realised, you may have to adjust to this new way of working. Changes to your security operation and your security management may be necessary. Domus Technica can help you by providing advisors to your staff, or even interim managers to temporarily fill gaps that exist in your organisation. Domus Technica can also help you look ahead by assessing how effective and efficient your collaborative environment is and where improvements might make a difference.